Questions re: Employment Insurance (雇用保険)

Context: I have been working at a very small, local dispatch company on one-year contracts for a number of years (and have been paying into 雇用保険). It’s basically a one-man shop: My boss runs it as his side business and it’s just me and one other ALT and I’m on very good terms with my boss.

Problem: I’m switching back to my old career in tech, so I told my boss I wouldn’t be renewing my contract. I’d like to stay and look for jobs at least for a couple of months before I give up and go back to my home country where I have safety nets. Now I just found out that I can get EI even if I “quit”, but it’ll start after 3 months and it’ll be a much lower percentage of my present income (than if I had been laid off, for example). But I also read/surmised that if the contract comes to an end and is not renewed despite me wanting it to be, then that’s the same as being laid off, and I can collect a higher % and it would start after just 1 week.

Now to the question:
Can I ask my boss to write the separation slip (離職票) in such a way that implies this without him (or me) getting into trouble? The job still exists and he’s already found my replacement. But I’m thinking if that route is still open somehow? Say, could he write that the local Board of Education wanted a new ALT? Or that I was not fit for the job for mental health reasons or something?

Thanks in advance.

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