Am I attacking Genki wrong?

Started Genki 1 two days ago. Do I need to memorize the phrases and numbers immediately? I tried memorizing all the phrases, but honestly can’t remember any besides basic ones (おやすみなさい for example. The longer phrases elude me.

After not much success I decided to move on to chapter one (not skipping numbers, I just wanted to see if actual vocab was better/easier).

I get an Anki deck for the chapter 1 vocab list, and hate it. My preferred style would be to keep hitting myself with a few words over and over for say 20 minutes. I did this with Kana and learned both in pretty much a day. Is there a way I can repeat multiple words on anki without it trying to force feed me words at certain intervals? I agree that it’s a good system, but only if I have a basis on what words I’m getting fed.

So pretty much — is there a way I can consume, say, 5 pieces of vocab back to back to back on anki? Without the good, hard, easy system.

Also, are there any decks with audio with the words?


  1. When I was using Genki 1, I also wanted he same learning style as you suggest. In the end, I just started writing the vocabulary down and speaking it while writing. Eventually, once I could start forming sentences, I just wrote to a of my own examples using the grammar from Genki, but substituting words from the dictionary. This helped me a lot—might not be your style though.

  2. I memorized all the phrases, you’ll get it just give it some time

    Numbers yeah…it’s like, I did it for a while but I think I can only use basic counters and some other common ones. You do wanna learn how to count, how to tell time, and such. But you don’t need to master every single counter.

    Anki optimizes your time, basically. It might not make sense with the small # of vocab you have now, but imagine when you know like 8,000 words or something.

    Basically just start building your anki deck up. For now you might also need to look at the vocab list a lot in Genki, I did. But once anki gets to a good amount, it’ll take enough time. But don’t put too many cards in at once or you will have nothing in life but flashcards.

  3. I started a couple of weeks ago to learn Japanese. Picked Genki too. I downloaded OTO Navi and just follow the reading. I do vacab then read grammar then dialogue.
    I started Anki last week. I like it staggered so I repeat what I learned from textbook. Search genki in anki. There is a good deck with about 2000 cards for the first book. Just delete the number and minute section.
    Good luck.

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