consequences of posting other people’s social media handles online in japan?

where i live there’s a homeless woman who’s being taunted by japanese tik tokers for views and it’s making me sick. there’s a video of a guy spitting out their alcoholic beverage onto her head. there’s another video of a girl who specifically went to search for her, offer to buy her the food she wants from a 7-11, allowed her to wait in line with a basket of food, and then, while laughing at her, left at the last second while refusing to pay.

the girl’s public tik tok and instagram accounts have been posted on japanese social media and visiting them, she’s taken a very unapologetic “i don’t give a f—-, i’ll do what i want” attitude

as i guess is with most people reading this, i’m outraged at the audacity this person has and my american brain is jumping straight to “someone dox her!”

obviously i don’t think that should happen, but i do think she needs to feel shame and pressure. i quote-tweeted the original video and included screenshots of her tik tok/twitter with an english blurb hoping that noticing her actions are getting attention overseas will have some effect on her.

my question is, could i get in trouble for doing that? i know japan has really backwards laws that protect perpetrators and penalize people who shouldn’t be (e. g. being penalized for practicing physical-self defense, banning pepper spray, etc.) i know in all likelihood if i have to ask it means it’s probably not okay but i just want an opinion from someone more knowledgeable

edit: someone mentioned this possibly backfiring legally but i’m also worried that extra negative attention to perpetrators will bring added torment to this woman 😓

  1. Gen Z shit; no compassion whatsoever. I support any efforts you make to hold them accountable.

  2. Actually, yeah if she’s connected to a university, high school or college and they see her doing that? She’s so unbelievably done.

  3. This feels like a mixture of Penal Code Articles 231, 233, and whatever’s currently covered as cybercrime.

    Don’t post anything online. That may very well backfire.

    You could perhaps package up what you have, and send it the Osaka Prefectural Police Cybercrimes Unit.

    The NPA also apparently have an @POLICE website, for tackling cyber crime with their Cyber Forces.

    Shit, you could probably send it to the news outlets too.

    Anyway, those despicable pieces of shit need their comeuppance.

  4. I don’t use the spy programme but is there a moderation in theory?

    The worst punishment for that rat is for her account to be closed down – is this doable?

  5. What you speak about is absolutely horrendous. I’d anonymously send the handles to as many people you can via Twitter. It’s public shit.

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