Finding a job in Japan as a fresh graduate

I’m planning to apply for a working holiday visa to stay in Japan up to one year and use this time to find someone, who would sponsor my working visa. I have a master’s degree in economics. I’m a fresh graduate, so I still don’t have any relevant job experience. My Japanese is currently at N3 level. However, I will be taking a N1 exam in July.

I would like to know how hard it will be to find the employment considering my background. I would also be thankful if someone who was in a similar situation share their experiences.

  1. I moved to Japan as a fresh grad with a bachelors and N1 so I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to. I used MyNavi国際派就職 and Careerforum in which I went to career fairs and did loads of interviews with companies there. These events are done all over the world and even online so check the above 2 to see if any are around you or you can do them online. Some of my colleagues got in from career fairs in America and Europe.

    Now that it’s covid especially a lot of job hunting is done online so not 100% necessary to be in Japan first but the same events are held in Japan too so you can shoot your shot.

  2. I am actually an intern at the moment in a recruitment company for foreign students/foreigners. I am currently holding a N2 Japanese language, I think you’ll be fine considering you also have a masters degree and is currently applying for N1. You can sign up as a student here and they have job offers/events where you can ask people who are already in a company in Japan. –> [](


    They have mentorship opportunities as well where you can ask current employees to check your Japanese resume if you’re thinking of working in a japanese company! I would say just try to get in as much job interviews as possible + prepare your 履歴書

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