Paypay Identity Verification via MyNumber card

I’ve been trying for a few days now to get my Paypay verified using my MyNumber card, but it fails everytime. Is there something else that I can do? I don’t have a driver’s license and I think they don’t accept the residence card. Also, I moved places which might be the once causing the issue. Is there anything that I can do?

  1. I was never able to successfully scan my MyNumber card with my iPhone. I finally did it with my iPad. When I applied for a PayPay bank account I got a message from them saying they couldn’t read the information on the images from the app. They finally sent me a paper application by post mail that I filled out and sent back with photocopies of my MyNumber card and my zairyu card.

  2. I tried 4 times before contacting the support, and they told me to use the photo method instead of reading the Myna card directly. I followed their instruction and it went through well.

  3. It fails in what sense?

    If it starts scanning then fails, it’s because you moved it after it started scanning. Move it around very slowly to get it to start scanning and as soon as it does, stop moving.

    If it’s not scanning at all, keep trying new positions.

    I verified using my MyNumber card multiple times from my iPhone 12 without issue – I had to keep updating my katakana name to get it to finally match my bank and you need to rescan each time.

  4. Some of my friends had to go back to the city hall to do it for them because their phone couldn’t scan their card. So maybe do that?

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