Anyone know how to connect to Amazon Japan live chat these days?

I ordered a comfy robe for my young daughter to use during a long hospital stay. The seller turned out to be drop shipping from China and sent the wrong color. My husband didn’t know it was wrong and washed it before being it to us at the hospital where I must stay with her.

In the past when this has happened I was able to use the live chat to get a refund without sending back the item. No matter how I go through the different options I can’t get to the live chat anymore. I can’t even leave the seller a 1 star review because it redirects me to what looks like will be a chat to fix the problem then says Amazon is overseeing this issue and redirects me back to their generic customer support page. The only option seems to be returning it but I don’t have time to do that while dealing with my daughters health problems and it has already been washed anyway.

  1. It’s almost impossible, isn’t it? I ordered an ebook by mistake the other day and got stuck in a loop of ‘contact Amazon to ask for a refund’ ‘go to digital orders’ ‘learn how to get a refund’ ‘contact Amazon to ask for a refund’.

    Really terrible UI.

    In the end I just found a different option to connect to chat (I think it was something about my account), and the guy transferred me to the correct department.

    Amazon has really gone downhill in terms of customer service in the last couple of years.

  2. These things that look like chats but are handled by a bot are called “chatbots”, and are total crap, yet many companies are adopting them.

    But on the positive side, they helped Jeff Bezos to go to space a few minutes, by being able to fire a bunch of their customer support staff and save money.

    It’s too late now, but next time buy in a physical store where you can talk to people and make sure they accept returns. Or if you’re buying from China, buy from AliExpress. They also use chatbots, but it’s cheaper.

  3. On the website select customer support, orders, the order you need help with, delivery issues, where’s my stuff, I need more help. Will give you phone, chat and email options.

  4. If you have the app it’s very easy. When going through the customer service help section, click “I need more help” at the bottom and it’ll redirect to a page with phone, chat and email options.

    As far as I know, chat is not available except for with the app now

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