I made udon!

I made udon!

  1. To answer a couple of questions that might come up:

    1. I know these noodles are thinner than udon usually is, but [they’re what my grocery store sells.](https://i.imgur.com/sQdAhUF.jpg)

    2. Even though I didn’t literally make the noodles out of wheat flour, I consider this homemade because I made the broth myself.

  2. Try making udon from scratch — it’s just flour, salt and water + time, and if you screw up, you’ve only wasted about 50 cents. There are lots of recipes that will turn up if you search.

    In my opinion the dough is even less fussy than homemade Italian pasta, as long as you’re not in a rush. Some recipes will go through a process involving stomping on it with your feet, but I’ve found just being patient about rolling and letting it rest works just fine. Just don’t expect it to turn out with mechanical precision.

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