Translation question

I saw this sentence in Detective Conan: サヤノイツハ29サイ and it was translated to “Saya is 29 years old”

I typed it to Google translate to check the prononciation but I saw it didn’t translate it and it just shows the romanji.

So I am wondering why? Is it because you should not use katakana for this sentence as there is no foreign words?

  1. I dunno, Google translate is probably being thrown off by the fact that the sentence is entirely in katakana. I’m guessing the sentence is an episode/chapter title or something? That would explain why it’s even written that way because it would’ve been done as a graphical choice.

    Did you try turning it all into hiragana and running it again?

  2. Google is probably translating how someone would write, not how someone would speak. I’ve seen it not translate numbers before.

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