JDrama Recommendations for Immersion

What’s some good recommendations or what’s new that’s good?

  1. I often can’t exactly find much JDramas in all honesty, the only one I have ever watched was “Good Morning Call” But I would still recommend it! I’m not sure your level but id also recommended maybe perhaps Vtubers or if you’re at more of a beginner level, perhaps Cartoons/Children Shows spoken in Japanese

  2. The drama 「リコカツ」was quite popular in Japan when it was airing last year and is entertaining.

    If you like soapy dramatic type shows and want a 和風 version of one,「私たちはどうかしている」is fun to watch (and as a bonus you will learn a lot about 和菓子).

  3. I like Midnight Diner because it has a modern setting, short episodes, variety a characters from different backgrounds, interesting one and done stories, and it’s on Netflix (depending on your region).

  4. Hana Yori Dango and Hana Kimi (2007) are so much fun and good for getting used to very colloquial language (and also some 若者言葉)

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