Does this manga have Furigana?

I want to purchase some manga in Japanese to read at home once I improve my Japanese a little more. I am still learning Hiragana and Katakana whenever I have time, so I do not expect to understand this manga instantly, though I have been consuming Japanese media for years so I can understand certain spoken sentences to an extent so I think it will help me once I have learnt hiragana/katakana.

Just wondering if the manga “氷属性男子とクールな同僚女子” has furigana and if so, does it have furigana for every single kanji? I’m pretty sure I will be looking up characters constantly along the way but I want something enjoyable and short, without serious ongoing plot that I can read and try to learn simple stuff from once I have gotten the hang of hiragana and katakana.

  1. Yeah seems to have furigana. You can check previews on bookwalker and looks like the whole first volume can be read for free for limited time.

  2. Online stores have 試し読み (ためしよみ) or 立ち読み (たちよみ) where you can browse the manga and check if it has furigana before buying it.

    For 氷属性男子とクールな同僚女子 you can read the first volume for free until February 9 here (click the yellow button on the right, 無料で読む 2/9まで (むりょう で よむ)): []( (it has furigana for all kanji)

    Good luck!

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