Help with term ふるさと

Im not sure if my post fits here but anways,I need to make a speech script of some sort that includes daily life and self introduction, and ive been googling and reading my available JP textbook but i still dont understand. I found out it means hometown so im unsure how to use it, cause instead of ふるさと, i just can say “im from etc” by using からきました (?). Sorry if this question sounds so stupid.

  1. I’d use 出身 (しゅっしん) like as in 彼はカビリ出身だよ because that is how you want to say you are FROM somewhere. 故郷 is like saying 私の故郷は (My hometown…)

  2. I feel like 出身 or 出身地 would be more natural in an introduction. Like ニューヨーク出身です or something.

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