Which prefecture is the best?

Hello. I was planning on moving but I don’t know which prefecture or city I should move to. Do you have any suggestions on which city or prefecture I should move to?

  1. You might want to provide a few more details about yourself and what you are looking for. Otherwise it’s really just a stab in the dark.

  2. Depends on your situation, job and what you prefer beat.

    If I was free to move anywhere. I’d probably choose Chiba because cheaperm, bigger houses and still close to Tokyo. But might prefer to go far in Kyushu for bigger spaces. I can work remotely. So no issue there.

  3. This is incredibly subjective.

    I’m gunna say Okinawa. If you can get a job there (apparently that’s hard) or if you have money already and don’t care, it’s a beautiful tropical paradise. (Talking about province as a whole not just the island of okinawa).

  4. Fukuoka is probably my favorite. It’s a big city with plenty to do but it’s not as hectic as Tokyo or Osaka. The food is god tier too.

  5. Shizuoka. Beautiful landscape, delicious food and Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya are all about an hour bullet train ride away.

  6. As someone else said: it depends a lot on you.

    I’m currently in Amami Oshima (Kagoshima-ken), which some people seem really to love. It is currently not too cold and some days are warm or hot (compare: the rest of Japan); the coastline is fractal so there’s lots of it. Many people here are surfers or people who like chilling out by the beach. There are also many rare birds and other animals. Land/houses are also cheap.

    So, for some people it is amazing.

    On the other hand, rare birds are beautiful, but if they are really just pretty crows that nest in your house, you might not like it. The forests are wild and mostly untouched but that’s because of the habu snake, which is very aggressive and venomous so you can’t really go for woodland walks except in very carefully protected areas and then carefully. There are no onsens (though there are a few public and private baths) and getting around for a non-driver is quite tough.

    So, it all depends.

    I am here helping family out. My home is in Kagawa (Ayagawa-cho). Very pretty and rural. Parts of Kagawa seem (to me) ideal for the kind of life I would like. It is a small prefecture. You can go walking in the countryside really easily because of very small fields. Takamatsu is quite cosmopolitan really and you can visit lots of charming little islands. Lovely udon (if you like that) and in many ways it is lovely.

    But it is a pain to get to Tokyo. If you need to get there, well… maybe Chiba (I’ve stayed in Funabashi and liked it). I lived for 6 months in Aichi and loved that. Nagoya felt like a nice compromise. Big city, but not big big city and so on.

    So, do you like seas, mountains or fields? Do you like big or small cities or inaka? Can you work anywhere or are you tied to the Kanto or Osaka? Is there food you like. Do you prefer “too cold” or “too hot”. Do enormous numbers of creepy-crawlies worry you or are you charmed by crabs, snakes etc wandering around your garden (some snakes are quite cute you see)? Etc etc.

  7. I’ll add a vote for either Aichi (Nagoya) or somewhere in Kyushu but this is such a subjective question depending on what you’re like as a person… more details about what sort of lifestyle you’re after?

  8. Boring answ but Tokyo. There’s nothing you can’t find here and it keeps me entertained. Also easier to settle in and find friends.

  9. To live?

    Anywhere near a Shinkansen station. There is no perfect place. But, the Shikansen will help you find perfection among the imperfections.

    Let’s be honest, if you’re like most people, most of your time will be spent in your house and at your job. It really doesn’t matter, and you’ll always want to “leave” anyway. People in Tokyo want to head to the beaches and mountains and vice versa.

    May as well just consider if you want snow in winter or not and choose accordingly.

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