I’m starting to do online courses in earnest now that I’ve found a good teacher and platform, and I’d like to make sure I’ve got some basic survival phrases locked down before I embarrass myself by having to needlessly use English for something I should already know. Stuff in the vein of…
* はい、わかります (I understand)
* いいえ、わかりません (I don’t understand)
* ちょっとまってください (One second please)
* もっとゆっくりはなしてください (Speak slower please)
(I’m intentionally leaving these without their kanji to be more useful for beginner speakers.)
Is there a phrase that you found was particularly useful in this sort of setting?
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文法 ぶんぽう grammar
言葉 ことば word/vocab
名詞 めいし noun
動詞 どうし verb
例 れい example
例えば たとえば for example…
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