Best online college for a Bachelor’s degree in teaching English?

I am a student who has already gotten an AA degree, but I want to work towards a bachelor degree online for teaching English as a foreign language while I live in Japan. I’m getting ready to move there soon. Which online colleges do you recommend for earning a Bachelor’s degree? Thanks!

  1. I know WGU has a lot of options for teaching degrees. I got a B.A. in Elementary Education from WGU, and it’s not the most high-quality education you’re gonna get, but it’s affordable and allows you to take as many courses in a 6-month term as you can finish.

    Great for people who have educational experience or are confident they will be able to adapt well without too much professor interaction. For context, I spoke to maybe 3 professors total throughout my time there, it just wasn’t necessary to interact with them.

    I don’t know much about other online options, but definitely do research on each, I’m sure there are a bunch of good options out there

  2. Don’t get a bachelors degree in TEFL if your plan is to live in Japan long term. It’s doesn’t open any more doors than a simple TEFL course. If you want a degree that gives you doors in education in Japan, you have two main options.

    1. Go to a *Japanese* university and take 教職課程. This gets you a Japanese educator’s license, meaning you can work at a Japanese school full time.
    2. Get a bachelors in a subject you enjoy and want to teach, get the license for it, teach a few years, and apply for an international school.

    Both of these are a massive time investment, which is why I usually don’t recommend them unless you are ***really*** dedicated to becoming a teacher. That said, a bachelors in TEFL is really not going to open any doors by comparison.

  3. Do not think like this. Don’t study something for a minimum wage job in another nation. Instead, start a real career that will have opportunities in Japan. What you are trying to do will result in poverty.

  4. Just get any bachelor tbh.

    Having one in teaching means nothing here for most jobs anyways.

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