Wife and I looking to buy an apartment in center Tokyo which allows big dogs

My wife and I (both foreigners) have a big dog (30kg) and we can’t find an apartment in Tokyo center we can buy.

All apartments either allows small dogs or no pets at all

And recommendation what we can do?

  1. Buy a house.

    More seriously talk with a realtor and let them do the work but make absolutely sure before you sign any paperwork it wouldn’t be the first time a realtor stretched the truth to make a sale and the buyer suffered.

  2. That poor dog. You’re going to have to spend a fortune to get a big enough apartment for it in the center of Tokyo.

  3. You’d probably have better luck either looking a bit outside of Tokyo in Kanagawa or Saitama or Chiba, and/or looking for a detached house, and/or an older building. I’ve been casually looking at detached rental places in Kanagawa and other areas for when my daughter is older and my husband and I need to look for another place to live and I’ve seen a decent amount of places that mentioned pets being okay. These are mostly detached homes (but some were apartments) and mostly older places (because our budget isn’t high)

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