Am i learning kanji correctly? or im doing it wrong

sorry if this is quite short, So basically i started to learn & write kanji back in June 2022 after learning hiragana, & i mostly write kanji that was thought from 1st – 4th grade.

the way how i learn is just writing the character & later put the meaning of it & the pronounciation in hiragana
like for example: 雨 – rain/ あめ

i heard most people learn kanji from flashcards/ or Anki, or writing the character many times but i didn’t feel like doing it that way.

  1. You say you only write a word once then move on, I dont see how this would stay in your long term memory unless you read a lot (in which case your memory method is pretty much just reading)

    As long as you repeatedly see words and try to remember the meaning and reading, you cant learn them “wrong”, you can only be more or less efficient in how you do it, which method is more effective varies between person. You dont need flashcards for this, its just generally considered the most efficient way.

    I suppose just learn them how you want, enjoyment is the most important factor – short and quick but giving up is less effective than long and slow but sticking to it. If you dont like your method, either because its boring, hard to do, too slow, then switch it up.

  2. Do learn the kanji and are happy with your progress? Then you are doing it right.

    If you aren’t happy, than maybe it’s time to look at different strategies. But there are more than just flash cards and none of them is more correct than the other. Use what works for yourself.

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