Constipation medicines?

Hello, I know this is an embarrasing topic, but I have not pooped in 7 days and I think it would be better to take action now than later when it gets worse.

Any good constipation medicines recommendations that I can get in any farmacy? I do not care if it is an enema, if It works it works. I am already eating lots of fiber by the way, but there is no sign of recovery

This is my first time feeling like this abroad and it kind of scares me so maybe people who have experienced this beforehand can help me 🙂 thanks in advance

  1. I used a tablet off amazon called laxatan a, there are other laxatives available search for ラキサタン a.
    For getting it fast maybe try create.

  2. I would slow down the fiber a bit. While it does create undigestible and insoluble mass to help you poo, too much could cause a blockage.

    You can search Magnesium hydroxide or Magnesium oxide which are fairly strong laxatives in my opinion. It is extremely important to keep yourself hydrated though, like at least 500 mL water per hour, though don’t force yourself to drink too much. Also go on a jog around the block while hydrated.

    下剤 酸化マグネシウム

    gezai sankamagnesium

  3. I buy the little pink laxative enema things at the pharmacy. They work for me but i rarely ever need them and I’ve never gotten as far as 7 days so idk if they’ll work for you.

    A warm saline enema at the hospital might be a better solution if you’re that backed up.

  4. I’m not saying you should do this, but when I first moved to Japan I couldn’t poop for like a week. I told my co-worker, asking for recommendations, and he said he had a solution and told me to come to lunch with him. He ordered me a Level 5 at CoCoIchi, and a few hours later, I was good to go.

  5. I don’t know if this works, if you have washlet then try the bidet even before you start pooping. Most of the times it helps to clear the opening. Also drink hot water like coffee or tea or just water and go for a walk or something. Try doing push ups, crunches etc.

    Note these are temporary or home options, you can try these now and if not working get medical attention.

  6. The drug store tablets sort of worked but hurt my stomach a lot.コーラック
    I ended up going to a doctor instead for better medicines.

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