In Japan, theres 21,584 suicides in 2022, it’s first times increase in 13 years for men, with rapidly increase for middle-aged men and unemployed person.

In Japan, theres 21,584 suicides in 2022, it’s first times increase in 13 years for men, with rapidly increase for middle-aged men and unemployed person.

  1. English translation:

    The number of people who committed suicide in the last year totalled 21,584 nationwide, the first increase for men in 13 years.

    According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and other authorities, the preliminary figure for the number of suicides in the last year was 21,584. This is an increase of 577 from the previous year and the first increase in two years.

    By gender, 14,543 men committed suicide, an increase of approximately 600 people from the previous year, and 7,041 women, a decrease of nearly 30 people. In particular, the number of men in their 40s to 60s increased for the first time in 13 years.

    There was also an increase in suicides among the unemployed and those living on pensions.

    If you are currently worried about your problems, there are consultation services such as the Japan Inochi no Denwa (Japan Inochi no Denwa). The website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare also provides information on various other consultation services.

    [Source from TBS](

  2. The government is working itself into a frenzy about the population decline – while tired people without any hope of a better life are throwing themselves in front of the morning train.

    Just another day in Japan.

  3. I am sure it is because covid forced them to work from home and their partners hated having them around which caused them to do what they did.

  4. Lost Generation should be in their fifties. I feel like they have been forgotten and not cared for.

  5. Probably doesn’t help that everything is becoming more expensive. My bills are double than last year, but I get paid the same.

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