JLPT Dec 2022 Results …

will be released out very soon on this website: https://www.jlpt.jp/e/guideline/results_online.html

Those who took the exam, how did you fare? Did the results match your expectations?

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll get a score higher than ギリギリ this time around.

  1. Passed N1 118/180


    It’s weird because I basically did nothing but watch anime and YouTube content for the 3 months leading up to the exam and my vocab/grammar and reading scores both improved and were still higher than my listening. Just goes to show you always need to listen more.

  2. Took N2 stateside so I won’t know until later today. My last practice exam I got just over 100 points which isn’t that great, but still passing nonetheless so it could go either way frankly. I managed to pass every single section on every practice test, the problem was just getting enough overall points.

    My anxiety was through the roof that day, but I managed to keep it together. I spent a lot of time filling those damn bubbles in which made me lose more time than I was expecting. Ngl, had to guess on 5-7 questions in the reading section. But I did manage to hold true to my strategy which was skip to the end, answer the last two questions, and then go back and see what I can do before time is up.

    Who knows though. I’ll edit this comment with my final score when results are available.

  3. Gonna have to wait for a few hours longer for mine since I didn’t do it in the listed countries 😔

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