Can anyone point me in the direction of (Christian) religious texts to read that are written in Japanese with furigana?

While I am not a religious person and I’m not Christian either, I think that theology is super interesting and I think that different cultures’ takes on the same subject (in general) is fascinating. I thought it could be cool to learn about the current Japanese POV on Christianity by reading text *in Japanese* rather than Wikipedia pages in English talking about how Christianity in Japan differs from Christianity elsewhere, etc.

I’m still relatively new to reading stuff in Japanese, and I still am unfamiliar with like ~1200 of the jōyō kanji (I’m about to reach level 28 in WaniKani tomorrow) so something with furigana is ideal. “Easier” reads are ideal too, but I’m okay with something that requires me to reference a dictionary often if it’s interesting.

This could be anything from a Japanese edition of the Bible, to Biblical stories / events told in Japanese, or like, anything else. I’d prefer if it was something that was written by Japanese people for a Japanese audience and not a direct translation of an English text(s).

I know very little about Christianity (this is probably clear from how broadly I’m speaking about the subject); my knowledge of the religion and its various sects are pretty limited, as I grew up Jewish. From what I know, I think Bible stories are interesting; I’ve had exposure to a bunch of those in synagogue when I was younger.

Online reading works for me, but I’m okay with buying a book too, if there isn’t a free version available online to read.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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