Approach to studying and Kanji.

Hello there, I’m just wondering how people approach studying Japanese on a day by day basis?
I’ve been using Bunpro, Anki and now started with WaniKani, which I feel overwhelmed, especially as I plan on taking the JLPT5 this year.
But using these I’m still struggling with recalling Kanji, vocabulary and grammar, so any useful tips that’s been good for you personally?

  1. “Japanese Kanji and Kana” by Wolfgang Hadamitzky & Mark Spahn helped me alot! It was a Christmas gift and i love it! It includes all the 2100+ joyo kanji, the brush strokes and common pairings of each individual word. Hope this helps

  2. I stopped doing wanikani at level 8, switched to anki and immersion, sentence mining after RTK. Mix a little genki in there.

  3. It’s hard to approach them wrong. There’s book 1, and book 2. There are chapters you doing order. Remembering the Kanji.

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