My Aeon interview experience and thoughts

To start ….
Applied 12/22
Skype interview invitation 12/23
Skype interview 1/3
Notified of interest 1/4
Zoom/ group meeting 1/9
Denied 1/10

Everything went completely quick and professional. I wasn’t hardest about working for Aeon as the hours and work life balance seemed crazy. Especially after having my zoom interview.

The Skype interview went well the interviewer asked me different questions from the website as well as what location I would like to me in. I want to be more in a nearby city setting for context. I was actually late for the interview as I had connection issues and thought I wouldn’t get a response but I did.

The zoom interview went good as well. There were 4 other people in the interview. The first part was just learning more about the company. This was when my disinterest in this company started. I knew the hours and schedule. But working for 12-9 they stated you well most likely be out of the home at 11:30 and leave work at 9:15-9:30. As well as work some Sunday’s. When I thought about it working that much for so little pay seemed ridiculous. The interviewer also gave personal experience. We also sung a kids song in this part as well. When I had my individual interview. My demo lesson went well. I did get some feedback. 1 was to smile more. Although my face was hurting for smiling. The other was to let the student lead the lesson more. The fake smiles also made me uncomfortable. The whole interview gave off an “There no war in Ba Sing Se” vibe. But I do know that they are just doing there job.

I was rejected after this part but I don’t think I would reapply or apply to eikaiwa. I think that it’s something to experience for your self. As I thought people on Reddit were just being negative or trolling. Aeon has been said to be one of the best but at what cost. Long hours, high expectations, and low pay.

I wanted to add I do think I was rejected because of the smiling feedback and location preferences. I did state that I was open . I have experience in tutoring math/science, book selling , and working in admin for a school. I do think I could of answered some questions differently. I also know for sure they didn’t even reach out to my references.

  1. I did an interview with AEON a few months ago. The interviewer…was kind of unsettling. The woman was constantly smiling but dead inside – that’s how I would describe it. When I asked her about her experience, I got the most canned answer ever. I got rejected as well but I think I dodged a bullet.

  2. Did they quiz you on the company info part of the presentation? You know, just to make sure you were paying attention? That was so demeaning.

  3. >As I thought people on Reddit were just being negative or trolling. Aeon has been said to be one of the best but at what cost. Long hours, high expectations, and low pay.

    Well, now you know. Sometimes when people are negative, it’s for a good reason. You realized that the job isn’t for you, and that’s good.

  4. You have described it beautifully. Aeon is a strange business- it’s money first and teaching second. More like a cult in my opinion. The smile not reaching the eyes is so true

  5. > But working for 12-9 they stated you well most likely be out of the home at 11:30 and leave work at 9:15-9:30. As well as work some Sunday’s. When I thought about it working that much for so little pay seemed ridiculous.

    Of all the criticisms of Aeon/eikaiwas in general- working 8-hour days is pretty standard in most of the western world.

    For unskilled/new-graduates, the pay is pretty fair, I think.

  6. When I was getting started in my Japan career, went through a ton of these interviews and it was all basically like this. The foreigners recruiting for all these eikaiwa chains felt like robots with superiority complexes.

    I realized Japan experience, work/school history, achievements and language ability meant nothing. Can you appear as a genki robot, constantly smiling, ready to sing a dumb song on command? You’re in. That’s all they want.

  7. Most eikaiwa have the Ba Sing Se vibes, it’s crazy. Not all, but most. I think, if they do have that vibe, it’s a very generous red flag not to take the job. You did good.

    I have 5 years of experience teaching in Japan. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but enough to say this: Students don’t care nearly as much about smiling as companies seem to think they do. For kids? Yeah, be energetic and fun. But you don’t have to smile so much. It’s unsettling, uncanny, and creepy. In my opinion, being a clown will hold their attention for a month tops before you lose them. Being an actual interesting person to be around is way better. *Especially* for adults, of course.

    You made the right decision to have declined anyway.

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