Does anyone know what this symbol means?

As the title says, anyone got a clue if this picture means anything?

For background info, this was posted next to the front door of a new apartment I just moved into. The real estate agent who showed us the place said it might be something religious, but refused to touch it or look directly at it…

  1. A tsunami is coming at the next full moon. Your only chance for survival is to ride a surfboard out if it .

  2. The real estate agent refused to look at or touch it…? Sounds like a typical male. And we wonder why the birth rate is dropping in this country…

  3. “Refused to touch it or look at it directly.” 🤣

    I hope you pressed him repeatedly on the issue:

    “Why won’t you touch it?!? TOUCH IT!!!”

  4. Could be a sign that the NHK guy came and then when the door opened he was greeted by a talking octopus, so he slapped that sticker on the outside of the apartment to warn his fellow bloodsuckers

  5. Your neighbours are definitely card-carrying members of *The Esoteric Order of Dagon*.

    Find somewhere else to be when the Sun is hidden.

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