Japanese “鏡餅”. We offer it for “神棚” during the New Year. This is the year of the rabbit in the Japanese zodiac. So, the rabbit is on this “Kagami-Mochi.”Most of Kagami-Mochi has mandarin orange on it.お正月が終わったので、鏡餅を神棚から下ろしました。日本のお正月の文化です。今年はうさぎ年です。

Japanese “鏡餅”. We offer it for “神棚” during the New Year. This is the year of the rabbit in the Japanese zodiac. So, the rabbit is on this “Kagami-Mochi.”Most of Kagami-Mochi has mandarin orange on it.お正月が終わったので、鏡餅を神棚から下ろしました。日本のお正月の文化です。今年はうさぎ年です。

  1. Something I’ve often wondered, and I’m sure varies from household to household, but how long do you leave the offerings at the kamidana?

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