Passed N2! Thanks for your support everyone!

TLDR: Thank you very much! Especially those who helped me out in the Daily Thread!

Started learning a year before the pandemic using random sources and wasting my time on RTK for 6 months. Started really learning after that with visual novels and anki and texthookers. Used the Daily Thread (Weekly Thread back then) a lot. Despite many hiatuses and despite having only less than an hour of social interaction in Japanese, I still passed.

Still, I’ve got to agree with some people that say JLPT isn’t very accurate about measuring one’s skill in Japanese. I got 40/60 in the listening section despite how difficult it was for me to understand some of them especially the last bit where the speakers talked for a long time. The part where you answer with the natural response probably raised my score but still, the rest of the listening section was hard. I got 33/60 in my reading which is slightly above what I expected since it was kinda difficult but I’m surprised I only got 34/60 in language knowledge. It was the easiest section so I expected my score to be about 40/60. I expected my score to be 40/60 in language knowledge, 25-30/60 in reading, and 20-25/60 in listening. But a win is a win!

Just wanna thank everyone who answered my questions there. It’s been a great help having people correcting me, explaining to me the stuff I don’t understand, and pointing me to good learning materials. I’m still planning to learn more Japanese at least until I get 20k vocabulary or until I’m able to read Japanese visual novels or play Japanese video games without the need for a dictionary. I’m probably still at 10k vocabulary but I probably would have reached 20k already if I had a better work ethic. I’m planning on studying Chinese next as part of my requirements to graduate.

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