To those who applied for visa extension online…

Hello! To those who applied for visa extension online, did you go to a photo studio to take your photo, do they give you a digital copy? Or did you take it by yourself? Can you share any tips on how to take your own photo ID? Thanks in advance!

  1. I took my photo at home, in front of a white wall (I guess blue works too, but who has a blue wall in Japan) with my phone and plenty of light coming straight at you, to avoid any shadows. After that crop it to the size they ask for.

    They accepted mine and I got my new residence card.

    So yes, You can do it at home.

  2. I took mine at home, then used photoshop to remove some unwanted stuff and change my shirt color too.

  3. Off OP: areyou applying for renewal? Didn’t know you could do online. Mind to share link, please?

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