Is it mandatory to wear masks now?

Convenience stores in my area put these signs at the entrance today that basically say you can’t enter if you don’t wear a mask.
I checked the news etc etc but I can’t find any info about masks being mandatory. Did I miss anything and there is a new rule about wearing them inside?

  1. It isn’t a law but most places still require it. It’s rare to see someone in a store without a mask. I wouldn’t go maskless at this point because the infection rates are still too high to risk it.

  2. It’s winter and infection rates are relatively high. Masks are for the safety of both the staff and the customers. The store owner doesn’t want to have to close down because of staff getting infected because that means zero money in.

  3. No, it isn’t.

    I mean, it is a good idea to wear a mask inside kombini and you should do that, but there isn’t any law about masking. Every shop putting these signs is merely creating their rules.

  4. There is no law stating masks are mandatory.

    That said, it is still within the rights of a store to require it.

  5. Signs have always been there in every single shop I’ve noticed since old biatch CoronaChan reared her ugly head and fucked our world sideways.

    Oh BTW – Japan (with the exception of, *believe it or not* the US military bases/ members) has never had a national compulsory mask mandate.

  6. I usually wear a mask but if I forgot to bring one I don’t sweat it. I don’t drive back home to get my mask, I just buy my shit and get out.

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