Trip Report: Overnight layover in Japan

Jan 21 Saturday:
Arrived noon at Narita Terminal 2, went through immigration. Lines were long but kept moving so it was not too bad.
Claimed luggages and transferred it to Terminal 1 through the bus shuttle. Left the luggages at paid storage. (Note: we had 10 so we split it between the two storages there cause they can only accommodate so much.)
Rented pocket wifi.
Bought limousine bus tickets to Disneyland.
Arrived at Disneyland around 430, ate the mall near Maihama train station.
Left our overnight stuff at the locker before the Disney gates.
Disneyland was busy but the lines were very manageable, most we waited was about 15 minutes. The app was very handy to know which ones were moving fast. We got to ride most of attractions, but also some rides were suspended. As we were leaving, fireworks started so we got to see that too. Awesome experience!
Our ticket was Early Evening passport, 3pm onwards on weekends.
We visited a theme park in the Philippines earlier in our trip where the wait times were very long, so we kinda know to manage our expectations- pleasantly surprised that we didn’t really wait that much.
Took train at Maihama station.
Our accommodation is at Asakusa, from what we understood, need to get to Tokyo then transfer to get to Asakusa.
We got to Tokyo at around 10pm, we didn’t have the energy anymore so we took a taxi to Asakusa, cost around cad $33. Dinner at the hotel and called it a night.

Jan 22 Sunday:
Breakfast at hotel, bought some snacks at the nearby family mart and checked out.
Went to the Sensō-ji temple. There were lots of food stands and shops to buy souvenirs. Hello Kitty store was nearby too. We walked around the vicinity and we loved it.
Headed back to the airport via train.
Got to airport, returned pocket wifi and collected our luggage. Checked in, got to security- where the line went to the very end of the airport but it moved fast. We got to sit a few minutes before boarding time.

Overall, we were happy to see Japan and vowed to return and spend more than a day lol.
We had a hard time with the train system even with a bit of research. We had to ask a lot but still got very confused. Google translate is helpful but it’s not enough- I should have dedicated more time to study our commute.
Timing was tight but it worked out, just a bit tensed – what if we took the wrong train and missed our flight altogether lol.
Thank you to everyone here for your suggestions, very helpful!
[Original post here](

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