Passing JLPT with the power of nukige: A follow up

Hello again guys, thanks for the support on my last post! Unfortunately I don’t think my original post will get banned which is a bit sad but shikatanai. I’m mostly making this post to clear my name about me being a troll and to provide proof that I actually passed the N1.

Here’s my results for the people that were wondering :[](
Would post the full registration number but I’m afraid of getting doxxed lol.

Also, here’s a video of my output from a year ago for those wondering: [](

Here’s my book meter: [](

And here’s my vndb: [](
As a I mentioned in my previous post, my vndb is a small representation of the nukiges I’ve read since I usually don’t leave a review for a nukige unless it’s really fucking good.

Anyways, don’t know how much those will serve as proof but I just wanted to clear my name of being a troll. I’m just a regular dude that like smutty vns and decided to use it to study Japanese. Not saying it’s the best or the most efficient method, but that’s what worked for me.

  1. >I’m just a regular dude

    I wouldn’t go that far but nice job passing N1. For the love of God though man get your porn addiction under control now that the Japanese front is going to lead to diminishing returns. You sometimes spend more time a day fapping than I spend time at work good lord lol

  2. Honestly, good that it worked for you. Personally, I know I am not going to study using nukige, but it is your choice. Do whatever you feel like if it works for you (just don’t go around starting WW3 and we are cool)

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