At which point can you learn Japanese in Japanese?

For any intermediate or higher learners was there a point where you could pretty much learn Japanese in Japanese. For example if you heard an unknown word in a sentence you could guess what it meant from context or look it up in a japanese dictionary and understand the explanation, or have a Japanese speaker explain what a word means in the langauage?

I’m still a beginner (just started genki 2, at approx 1200 words) and I am looking forward to using the Japanese I learn. I feel I’m just starting to be able to understand some basic sentences in Japanese shows and express some basic thoughts. It’s feels rewarding but I’m still very limited.

Is there some metric you can use for when a person will be somewhat comfortable enough with the language to be functional with it? Any amount of words, grammar or JLPT level?

  1. I could understand N3 and N2 grammar lessons on 日本語の森 taught in Japanese with no English just fine after finishing Genki 1 and going through Tae Kim.

  2. Somewhere around N4~N3 was when I felt like I could learn Japanese in Japanese. Keep in mind, I never took JLPT around that time, but when I had enough Japanese skill where I delt like I was ready for N3 Grammar, that was when Japanese-only lessons did not have too many hurdles for me.

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