How should I use Anki?


When I’m using Anki, should I press the good, easy, hard buttons? I’ve heard that that is somehow bad.

Today I went ahead and just used the space bar and didn’t click anything. Is that better? Thanks!

  1. IMO, as a beginner you cannot go too wrong really. Once they have a few thousand cards+, some people use various settings, add-ons, and techniques to try and minimize their number of reviews. As one part of this, people only use the “good” and “again” buttons (and ignore “easy” and “hard”), meaning they only rate cards as either pass or fail. Honestly, I would not overthink this initially but eventually you should read up about the so-called Anki “[Ease Hell](” and then see if/how you want to address this issue.

  2. Here is what I do:
    Easy: if I get a word very quickly and confidently. Also if I want to move a card to a longer period of time for whatever reason, or if a new word appears that I already know or leaned from elsewhere.
    Good: if I get a word correct but took me more than like 2 seconds.
    Hard: if I got some part of the word, either the pronunciation or meaning, but not both, and I’m confident I’ll likely get it both right if I were to see this again in the future.
    Again: if I had no idea what this word was or am not confident I could get the right answer if I saw it again.

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