Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 11, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Hello. What is this symbol: 〇 supposed to mean/represent apart from zero and/or circle? What function does it have?

  2. I came across a sentence from TheMoeWay Tango N4 deck. It says マリアさんはみんなに人気があります。

    What’s the use of があります here? Couldn’t you say マリアさんはみんなに人気です instead?

  3. What’s a good Japanese phrase for when you feel completely fucked by something not under your control? Something much stronger than 「しょうがない」. Anything better than 「殺してください」? Trying to think of a good way to express how frustrated I am with the most disgusting summer my part of Texas has seen since the Earth was a fireball. この夏、くっそ喰らえ

  4. How do people keep up with Anki reviews so consistently? I swear, I see people brush off their 30 minutes of Anki work every day like its no big deal. Oh yeah, only 20 new cards a day. No biggie. Do that every day for years.

    I struggle to even do 12 new cards daily. Every few weeks or so I’ll almost give up because it’s so mind-numbing and repetitive. I tried to do 15, 20 cards and it’s ridiculous but it almost seems like everyone blows past it. I have all the correct add-ons and such, but sometimes it ends up sucking up nearly an hour, which I swear was more like 2 or 3 hours.

    Maybe I’m just looking into the really determined Anki people. But I swear people do so many cards per day like it’s no big deal and it really is, it’s a lot to do and it’s hard to stick to it. What’s up with this?

  5. テストでいい点を取った。

    why was de used in this sentence?

  6. In the sentence:


    I don’t really get why “間を” is used and the use of を is sorta confusing me here

    few details: iguro is a guy from demon slayer and the English translation for the sentence is “and iguro attacks him(tanjiro) while weaving through these poor swordsmen

  7. can someone give an example of how まるで would be used in sentence

    like would something like まるで夢みたい make sense?

  8. If I’m asked for example, what my favourite Kanji is, is it right to say 今のところ for “So far”?

    Like if I want to say “From what Kanji I know SO FAR….”

    Or is anything more common/natural?

  9. I hear けど put as a sentence end particle very often, why is that?

    Is it the same reason as sentence end が? As in, to show uncertainty and indirectness.

  10. can you change させる to してくれる in this sentence?


  11. Quick question: I’m trying to figure out my name in Katakana, but I’m not sure how to go about it.

    My name is Ian, so most directly it would be イアン

    But my name is pronounced E-in, so would it be イイン or perhaps: イ―ン ?

  12. Does anyone know why から is added to the end of the second sentence.

    海外に行きたいと、それがやりたいことだとして、それをやることによって、失うこともあるかもしれないけど、 やりたいことをやらないことによって失うこともたくさんありますから

    You want to go abroad. There may be something to lose by doing this as the thing that you want to do but because there is a lot to lose by not doing the thing that you want to do.

    This is how my brain understood it but it sounds weird. Am I missing a nuance here?

    What is Kara modifying here?

  13. Hi! sorry for the text wall! So I’m learning about how to say an opinion or impression based on two or more past experiences. My teacher corrected me adding those “も” particles:


    ***も*** 行ったし、大阪はさいこうでした.

    The thing is, they aren’t there in the example sentences. so why is that “も” necessary?

    I think he mentioned something about the “も” being used when something exceeds your expectations, is that why it should be used?

    Here are the example sentences I was talking about

    A: 沖縄旅行は どうでしたか。 – B: いろいろな ところを かんこうしたし、海うみで あそんだし、よかったです。

    沖縄料理は おいしいし、ヘルシーだし、つまも 私も 気きに いりました

    A: ホテルは よかったですか。- B: へやは 広くて 明るかったし、海も 見えたし、さいこうでした。

    There aren’t many “も”, and certainly not where the teacher told me to place them.

  14. Hello! Today I studied てはいられない and reading through some example sentences, this tripped me up:


    I can’t help crying.

    Couldn’t this also be “I can’t afford to cry”? How do you know which it is (or why am I wrong haha)? Thanks!

  15. Hello everyone,

    I have started reading raw mangas as of late, and i was wondering what are you guys approach when encountering sentences that you only vaguely understand (because of context, or recognizing a kanji for example).

    Given that you vaguely understand what is going on, do you guys stop and try to understand 100% of the content ? Or do you keep reading thinking it’s fine to miss some parts ?

    I kinda not want to stop for 20min on every page but I also want the reading to be a learning process.

    I guess this is a matter of personal preference but i’d like to know what experienced people think about this matter.

    edit: tried to better english

  16. Can someone explain the meaning of 選んでもらいたい to me? The context sentence is 「世界の人口が増えているので、環境のために、植物から作った食品を選んでもらいたいと考えています」and I understand completely what it means but I’m confused by the verb meaning “wanting to receive choosing”. If you wanted to say “want to choose” wouldn’t you just use 選びたい?

  17. I have a few questions about the below sentence:


    1. I believe the clause 「私がコウちゃんのコトが好きでちょっかい出してないか」is considered a noun in this sentence. What is the function of this noun (it is the direct object of 心配, the complement of で, something else)? Can you insert a particle after か to make the function explicit?
    2. Is で in 心配で a particle describing circumstance or a form of だ in this sentence?
    3. Could you replace で with して and yield an approximately equivalent sentence?
    4. Is it ever valid to use the quotation と particle with 心配?

    Basically, I understand what this sentence means but I would not be able to form the sentence myself and be confident that I am creating something grammatical.


  18. Not sure if this fits here….but….my business deals with Japan, and I’m referencing one person to another. I’m not great with honorifics because my Japanese partners from the start said “call me by the first name”. That being said, now I’m introducing one person to another (i.e. “Mr. Johnson, you can deal with our partners Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Murata in Japan). Would I just say Suzuki-San and Murata-San?

    EDIT: All of them (Johnson, Murata and Suzuki) live in Japan, except me.

  19. Can someone help me understand the meaning/translation of スケジュールありき in this sentence?


    I know that ありき is archaic Japanese and has the meaning of あった. But I’ve only seen it at the ending of sentences and never after a noun in this manner before. It’s confusing me.

  20. I’m trying to find the optimal amount of words to learn a day and am using the SRS on kanshudo . com. I’m trying 200 words a week which is about 29 words a day. I’m trying to recognize about the 10k most common words in a year. I have a lot of free time but it still feels like a challenge. How many card reviews will I have to do a day? I usually review my flashcards when I go to bed and when I wake up. I don’t really want to do more than 200 reviews each time. So is 29 cards a day going to pile up to tons of reviews?

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