The Pot-By-Mail Bogeyman

This is something that has never made sense, which has always bothered me.

**DISCLAIMER:** Before continuing, I want you to understand that I am not a recreational drug user. I 100% do not approve of the use of illegal drugs in Japan.

That being said, it all just seems strange to me. I’ve heard through various job interviews, “… and his friends sent him pot and he was arrested.”

Soooooooo many questions. First off, how did the pot get out of the origin country to begin with?

But secondly and most important, why did the cops assume immediate guilt? Why did they assume the person had mail-ordered pot to Japan? That alone doesn’t make sense, and then on top of that the law enforcement assuming the person actually ordered the pot doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t it seem someone could use this as a weapon or for revenge quite easily?

How real is this bogeyman? Upon finding a prohibited drug in a package, how far does The Law go to determine if the recipient requested it, or is a victim?

If you are a victim of unwanted drugs, what do you do?

**Let’s talk about it, Reddit.**

  1. You’ve heard this in job interviews?? What kind of jobs are you interviewing for?

    > But secondly and most important, why did the cops assume immediate guilt?

    Arrested doesn’t mean charged. I think the suspicion is valid for an arrest in such a case.

  2. Every package I’ve ever received from the US was always opened and inspected by customs inspectors before it was delivered. No one other than family members knows my mailing address in Japan, so it is extremely unlikely that anyone would attempt to send me contraband out of spite.

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