can someone recommed their favorite japanese podcasts?

Hello, I’m looking to get into podcasts and thought it would be a great idea to ask here! I did search up if this question had already been asked but saw it had been a year since the last time so please put all your favorite pod casts below!

  1. TokiniAndy covers Genki 1, Genki 2, and Quartet. They’re technically YouTube videos but you can just listen to the audio and understand everything just fine

  2. nihongo con teppei is great for learning, they are about 4 minutes long and each episode he discusses around a topic, you can often learn vocab just through listening to it because by the end of the episode you’ll have heard something that makes the other stuff click and you’ll realize what he was talking about he will also throw in the occasional english word which can help a lot to recenter you. Also there are like 600 something episodes and counting so no lack of content.

    I listen to it whenever I drive or do chores and have learned a lot. I think if you go into it with some base vocab and do some reading or the occasional lookup of words you’ve heard him say 100s of times but still didnt get, then you can learn a ton of new words and even some grammar just through listening. I’d say I’ve learned hundreds of words and quite a few grammatical formulations. It becomes more and more enjoyable too because eventually, for me I started finding myself just listening to what he was talking about and forgetting that it was in japanese except when there was an odd word that I did’t know. When I started it was all complete gibberish and seemed way too fast!

    He talks on a wide variety of topics like things he and his kids do, different hobbies, foods, his language learning philosophy, a few modern events, travel, the list goes on.

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