Questions/advices about international marriage of 2 foreigners abroad

Hi Jlife,

(Sorry for the weird formatting, I’m on mobile)
Been a lifetime lurker without ID but decided to courage up myself to ask this question.
I have looked it up around the sub and google in general, both in English, Japanese and several other languages. I have yet to find any concrete answers. They usually only have answer if one of the couple is Japanese, which is not in our case.

I and my fiancé, we just got engaged last year and plan to get married this year on my fiancé’s country.

For context: both of us have been living in Japan as singles for almost 10 years. Both of us are foreigners (non-east Asian and American continent background, if it’s necessary) from 3rd world countries. I’m awaiting my PR application result and he’s on HSP visa, if that’s important.

What I would like to clarify is the process or procedure to do to register your marriage in Japan as well as other related procedures related to that.

1. As both of us came as single foreigners, what does it require to register our marriage apart from the marriage license? Do we need to bring other proof? Do we need to apostilled the marriage? I understand that we need to translate it, and we can do that by ourselves. But just to make sure, better safe than sorry, right?
2. Apart from ku/shiyakusho thing, what do I need to update aside from my workplace? Do I need to submit any proof for that?
3. Do I need to update my insurance details? If it’s shakaihoken will it be automatically updated if I updated by info to the company?
4. Is it possible to have pre/postnuptial drawn in Japan? Most of our assets are here, but we’re not sure if we will stay in Japan long term.
5. Any advices on what to be taken care of apart from what have been asked, it’d be very helpful! 😊

I hope somebody who have experience or knowledge about this can answer/clarify my anxiety above. Thanks a lot!

P.S. I’m not native English speaker, so pardon if I have any weird grammar/expression.

  1. Can’t answer all. But if you marry here you’ll probably be required to present proof that you are single from your country along with birth certificate or something to prove your citizenship.

    It might be easier to marry in one of your countries. In that case I doubt you need to register your marriage in Japan. You just need to show proof for variety of procedures like taxes.

    Consider you might also need to register your marriage in your countries depends on your countries laws.

    If your name changed then you’ll need to change it everywhere.

  2. If you’re planning to get married in your fiance’s country, do that first, it’s easier.

    First get a marriage certificate from their country, translate it to Japanese yourself (if it’s in English it might be okay), and bring it to your city hall. You’ll be able to update your juminhyou, showing marriage status. This will be your proof in Japan.

    Then with the new juminhyou, you can now update other stuff like shakai hoken and tax. Ask your company HR they’ll be more than happy to assist.

    I have no idea about the prenup stuff though. r/JapanFinance might be able to help.

    Congrats on your marriage. Me and my wife are both foreigners as well. And as long as you get your juminhyou update, you won’t face any trouble here.

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