Anyone who binds? It’s fine to, right?

Sorry for the weird/weirdly specific question, but living at home, it’s on my mind. I’m a genderqueer lesbian and for the most part fine with presenting as a woman (my style is pretty femme), but I do like to bind sometimes and was planning on bringing some binders to Japan. Honestly I feel like it’s hard to tell when I do have a binder on, and I feel very discreet since it’s not super noticeable, but I’m not planning on being that open/out in any other way, so I’m thinking about it. Has anyone here binded on the job and was there ever anything weird that happened? Just a question I’ve never seen talked about.

  1. I just come on here as a prospective jet so I can’t speak to binding on the job, but I wore a binder frequently during my semester abroad in Saitama. My impression was that people won’t really notice/care. Though I can imagine getting some questions from kids or something you could probably brush it off as an undershirt.

  2. I’d say go for it! I’ve known plenty of gq people here who, as long as they dress vaguely business casual or whatever their dress code is, have no issue not adhering to the binary.

    Well, that’s not entirely true. Kids anywhere are curious and I remember them getting the, “Are you a boy or a girl?” questions. But as far as co-workers, they didn’t have issues.

  3. I doubt anyone would notice, and even if they did I’m sure they wouldn’t say anything. I think it’s fine. It might be noticeable if you sometimes do, and sometimes don’t, especially if there’s a big difference in your appearance with and without and that might result in some comments. I would think most people in Japan are not familiar with binders so it would be more confusion I think.

    Also, I don’t know a lot about binders, but I would say, please be careful in summer especially if you are not from a hot and humid place. Summer here is so hot and so humid and some people always end up getting heat stroke. If binding would contribute to that just be mindful. I hope that’s not an overstep, it’s just that many people underestimate the summers here

  4. Yes??? I’m non-binary but wear both regular bras and binders at work. And it’s a noticeable difference for me, I’m large chested. I think it would be weirder for someone to comment on your undergarments than not, especially if they aren’t visible. Worst case scenario you can say it’s a sports compression top or something.

  5. Not much else to add but it’s great to see other queer JETS around. If you’re headed to Tokyo this summer for orientation let’s hang (if quarantine allows)!

  6. Trans man who lived in Sapporo for school for a while and binds irregularly! No one ever said anything to me, and the most I ever got was mild confusion. I know some of the other exchange students I was with got asked about me but mostly they didn’t want to be rude or rock the boat. I wouldn’t be too worried, especially if you aren’t that noticable. But as others mentioned, be safe, and be aware that climate differences might change your tolerance. Consider bringing something less restrictive to change into in a pinch if you have a bag you can hide it in.

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