I just passed N4 and now aiming for N3

What textbooks would you recommend? Minna no Nihongo really helped me with N5 and N4 and I find it easy to follow. However, when I searched for MNN for N3 there is actually nothing? I might be mistaken but yeah in any case that MNN really isn’t available for N3, what other books would you recommend? ありがとうございます!

  1. For N3 I did Tobira alongside 完全マスター文法 and 読解. For Kanji I found a list at Tanos and entered the Kanji at jisho.org for additional vocabs. Also, Tango vocab and lots of listening at every opportunity and read 1 article of NHK news everyday.

  2. I don’t have any recommendations for textbooks but at this stage you probably want to start graded readers and start watching and listening native content.

  3. There is Minna no nihongo chukyu. Did you accidentaly miss them?Should be n3 up to n2?

    Alternatively there are eg Tobira and Quartett. So basically you do have quite a few series you can choose from 🙂

    Tbh you can get MNN quite cheap as used books bc chukyu is a bit older. If you do feel like there is a big gap you might want to use something like so matsome for repetition first.

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