We roll the dice on Japan’s new random-destination train tickets

We roll the dice on Japan’s new random-destination train tickets


  1. They’re monetizing a decades old segment. Hopefully the folks from 水曜どうでしょう will get a cut.

  2. Is this real? It looks really cool and would be a great thing to do during summer.

  3. Does Sora News 24 actually publish anything useful, accurate or interesting?

    EDIT: I’m not interested in riding vehicles made of cardboard, either. Seems to me they enjoy pushing Japanese ‘uniqueness’ at the expense of actually having a point.

  4. Did this yesterday. Now need to choose a day and find somewhere to stay in Amarube

  5. Wait…the ticket is ¥5000 but…

    “With the regular cost of return trips to the above destinations ranging between 4,180 yen and 24,240 yen, the saikoro ticket presents a discount of 45.5-82.9 percent off regular prices.”

    One of the tickets offered is usually ¥4,180 yen.

    I don’t understand.

  6. I can’t believe I can finally buy a ticket to *Doesn’t matter, cheap flights*

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