Ghosted By Joytalk…

Hey y’all,

I live in America and was offered a position by Joytalk, but they haven’t replied to me after I accepted the job.

So what should I do? I have emailed a couple times since then to follow up, but still nothing yet. I know this is somewhat normal, but what did those who have had this happen do?

  1. When was the offer given? (When was last contact?)

    From December 23-January 10th, not much happens in the way of work or communication.

    Lack of reply could be related to end of year holidays.

  2. Just would like to chime in and say I also have not had communication from JoyTalk since the 28th. I would imagine they have a longer work holiday than I thought, but maybe they’re just that bad at communication. Anyways, I feel your pain. Here’s hoping you hear back sooner rather than later!

  3. Yeah, things get a little busy at the end of the year. Yesterday was the last major national holiday of the season though so you should hear back soon. Maybe if you don’t hear anything by the end of the week, bump them with an email like “I know it was the new year holidays so I hope everyone had a good break. I’m looking forward to joining the company soon! Please let me know if there is anything more I need to do on my end.”

  4. I worked for JT for a year. I’ve never seen a company that was so badly run. The left hand doesn’t even know the right hand exists.
    They lost so much paperwork and made so many mistakes it felt like it was on purpose. It wasn’t, they overwork their staff and I feel some of them are irresponsible.

  5. “So what should I do?”

    Be happy? There are plenty of better – yet still trash, just… better trash – companies looking to hire clueless foreigners out there.

    It’s like you dodged a barrage from a minigun.

  6. ever seen a train wreck about to happen?


    well this post is one of them.


    RemindMe! 365 Days

  7. As someone with JT right now, just give them time. It’s a holiday today and we just got back from winter break. If you haven’t heard by the end of the month, I’d pursue something else. I’ve noticed a lot of people in this sub are pessimistic at best and bitter at worst. Every dispatch company has its faults so take people’s comments with a grain of salt. Experiences vary.

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