Which timing is best to ask for PR post maternity leave?

Hello everyone,
I’m a 33yo woman married to a Japanese national since 2019 and we have 2 kids.
I live and work in Japan since 2014. Since 2017, I work in a big Japanese company of 3000+ employees if that info is important.
I have a masters degree in Japanese + in Marketing, JLPT N1, a pretty good salary for my age, so I qualify for a high skill visa too based on points.
I also have a house loan only at my name (not paying with my husband), never missed a deadline on taxes, never been arrested by the police etc.

I gave birth in 2022 and since then I’m in maternity/parental leave.
I go back to work full time in April and if possible I would like to do all the paperwork for PR before going back to not waste vacations to go to the tax office etc if needed.

I currently have a 5 years engineer/specialist in humanities/international services visa which ends in January 2024.
My company has no problem sponsoring my renewal or my PR whenever I want and even fill papers before I come back.

For paychecks, the company counts from the 11th to the 10th of the following month and pays on the 26th.
Therefore going back to work on April 3rd, I would get a few days salary on April 26th and then my first full salary in a while on may 26th.

Is it better that I wait to get a full paycheck (so may 26th) to add it to my PR application and apply after that?
My company will give me a document with my yearly salary, working hours, etc anyway.

I really want to maximise my chances to get my PR at once so I’m afraid of the timing of application.

  1. You’re overthinking it. As long as you’re employed you’re good to go. They only care that you’re paying your tax, social insurance, and nenkin on time. The rest of your qualification is just cream on top. Yours is an easy application IMO.

  2. If you’re applying based on being married to a Japanese national, then his history of payments for both pension and health insurance will be more important than anything else you summed up.

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