Help With Sounding Polite.

I’m in a Japanese language class and we were doing diolouge practice. Me and another student were volunteered to practice the diolouge in front of the class. I tried to make sure that my speech while reading the script the teacher gave us was as proper and natural sounding as I could get. After class however one of the students told me that my speech sounded too “anime” and that it was very rude. This horrified me because I definitely wasn’t trying to sound like that and I absolutely know that anime speech is far from proper and shouldn’t be used. I do have a deep voice and he seemed to take special issue with how I pronounced どうも in the conversation. We were reading from a script so I wasn’t using any weird language, his main problem seemed to be how deep I said どうも (I think). The only other problem I can think of that he might of meant was the slight Japanese accent I use while speaking Japanese. This whole interaction has left me very worried as I’m going to Japan in May and my worst fear would be offending anyone with how I talk. My teacher didn’t say anything and she’s a native speaker however the guy who corrected me has a Japanese wife so I assume he knows what he’s talking about so I’m very unsure if I actually did anything wrong or not and if I did I want to correct it as soon as possible. Should I try and talk higher than my natural voice? Should I not use an accent? My understanding was that most of being polite was the words you use, I didn’t know having a deep voice and an accent sounded too “anime”. I really don’t want to sound rude, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

  1. If there were any major issues your teacher would correct you, not a fellow non-native student. Having a Japanese wife doesn’t make him any more credible either.

  2. Why not ask your Japanese teacher? Most people are here to learn Japanese, and we can’t really tell you whether you might sound rude – she can though.

  3. I’d listen to the teacher. If the teacher has no complaints, you’re good to go.

    Plain forms aren’t “anime,” but in anime people might speak more casually sooner than what might be natural. Depending on the context of your dialogue it might have been PERFECTLY natural to be informal.

  4. I wouldn’t overthink it too much. Unless you’re running around shouting くそやろう I don’t think you’ll run into problems offending people.

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