10 Days Itinerary

I’m Planning for first time trip to japan (Solo) its a 10 day trip 25Nov – 5Dec

and I have been researching and looking around and I’ve settled on this itinerary

also I approximated the amount of money spent on each place so for anyone who can confirm whether its accurate or not

for the first day I will be arriving at 19:00 at Haneda airport


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|25 Nov – 21:00|Check-In at the hotel then go outside for a walk discover my surroundings|1,000|0|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|26 Nov – 08:00|EMPTY – Open for Suggestions|0|0|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|27 Nov – 08:00|Fuji Q|10,000|5,000|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|28 Nov – 09:00|1.teamLab Planets|3,200|210|
|28 Nov – 13:00|2. National Museum of Emerging Science & Innovation|1,000|0|
|28 Nov – 15:00|3. Odaiba Seaside Park|0|210|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|29 Nov – 09:00|Akhibara|5,000|170|
|29 Nov – 13:00|Square Enix Cafe|2,000|170|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|30 Nov – 09:00|Shinjuku Gyoen |1,000|170|
|30 Nov – 12:00|2D Cafe|2,000|0|
|30 Nov – 13:30|Shibuya & stay there for late night|5,000|170|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|1 Dec – 09:00|Shopping for Kimono (Actually I’d love to hear you thoughts about where i can shop Kimono)|5,000|0|
|1 Dec – 12:00|Walk Around Tokyo Maybe To Yokohama and spent most of the day there|3,000|1,000|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|2 Dec – 09:00|Full day at Roppongi Hills – Shopping & eating and Cinema after that a quick walk to Tokyo Tower|7,500|400|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|3 Dec – 09:00|Senso-Ji |0|200|
|3 Dec – 11:00|Asakusa|1,000|0|
|3 Dec – 14:00|Ueno Park|500|200|


|Date & Time|Place|Approximate Spending|Transportation|
|4 Dec – 08:00|Shopping Day -Gifts for family and friends (ALTOHUGH I WANT TO FILL IT UP WITH SOMETHING SO AGAIN OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS)|10,000|600|

5 Dec will be the day I Head back home although my flight is a bit late around 22:00 so that brings up the question where can I keep my luggage after check out So I can Have one final walk around Tokyo without having to deal with my luggage ?

My hotel is a 5-min walk from Ginza Station so Ginza station will be my main transport hub

The spending amount doesn’t include food spending with it

Keep in mind I Eat like 1 meal per day, and i don’t eat seafood or meat xD

Summary : Spending = 57,200 | Transportation : 8,500 | Food : 15,000

  1. Might be detail, but first day you will have to pay for transportation from Airport to hotel, you should be able to do it for 510 yen. Day 3, you can go to Fuji Q on the bus for 2000 yen each way (from Shinjuku) so that day should be 4400 yen.

    While you plan to go to Odaiba seaside park, you might as well check a bit more around Odaiba.

    Akihabara is not the best morning location as shops open only at 10 or 11 am, so you might want to pass by Kanda-myojin first if you are there earlier than the store open. The budget could go much higher than that if you are into anime/manga/video games.

    Shopping for Kimono…. first of all, 5000 is absolutely not a kimono budget, if you want a kimono, that is likely going to be 10-20 times more expensive if not more. Second, wearing a kimono is difficult and you would likely not even be able to put it on yourself, most Japanese people would also likely not be able to. What you should consider is a yukata, that is a kind of light summer kimono. Then yes a 5000 to 10 000 yen budget is realistic for a 3 piece set (yukata, belt and sandal). For place to buy it, I’ve seen it in specialized shops in shopping center (I remember there was one years ago in Sunshine City) or department stores should have a section for it. So instead of setting a specific day for it, just keep an eye open, you might find a store selling it in a shopping center in Odaiba. I’ve heard that some shops on Nakamise (the street in front of Senso-ji) sell crappy stuff that is not remotely kimono, but that pass as it is for ignorant tourist who do not know better.

    Kind of doubt that Roppongi Hills require a full day, but ok. I would consider going on top of Mori tower instead of Tokyo Tower.


    Yes you can usually leave your luggage at hotel after check-out. Worst case bring it to the train station and leave it there for the day.

    Food at 1500 yen a day, you have enough for one meal in a restaurant each day. You will not have much room for a snack or anything. Also note that portion served is usually much smaller than in other countries like in the US, so if you wand to eat one US sized meal every day, that might cost you more than that. If you start looking for vegetarian restaurant, some might be a more expensive than the average too. I would personally double that budget, it’s not as if you have to use it all anyway.

  2. Thank you so much for your help, i forgot to mention that the hotel to airport and vice versa transportation budget is separated also

    As for the kimono Im really sorry for that i had no idea that kimono and yukata are 2 different things but Im sure that i will consider yukata

    I actually been thinking a lot about roppongi and spending full day there seems like i can fit something else but at the same time i want to visit places that are close together so any idea what i can fit with roppongi that is close enough ?

    I guess i’ll raise the food budget to 20,000 since i will already bring an emergency cash with me, if i happen to face problems with food budget i will just use the emergency cash

    Again thank you so much for your reply it helps a lot

  3. When I visited Tokyo a few years ago, I used my Bank of America card to pay for things.
    There was no taxes or service fees.

    I also rented a portable hot spot for my wi fi. It was wonderful. Take a couple storage batteries for your phone.

    I think my biggest purchase was a huge amount of Kit Kat bars in all kinds of flavors at the airport going home.

    The sky tree is really fun. (Walk over the glass floor)

    There is a green tea ice cream shop on one of the levels….. it’s amazing.
    Also a Pokémon shop.

    A friend took us to ToHo studios to see Godzilla.

  4. You should be able to see the end of Koyo (autumn leaves) in Tokyo so maybe add a few spots to your itinerary. It’s worth checking out if you are there.

  5. For Nov 27th maybe you could spend a day in the Shibuya and Harajuku area? You could go shopping and take pictures and also try Ichiran Ramen if you like ramen. You can easily walk from Shibuya to Harajuku. Even if you don’t plan on shopping too much it could be fun to window shop and people watch while walking around those areas~

  6. Amazing plan OP, definitely gave me some inspiration. Just wondering, how do you manage to get you ERFS certificate for entry? Something I’m struggling with at the moment.

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