Is it okay to take a gap year after my uni in Japan?

I’m about to graduate soon, and everyone else in my class seems to have their life all put together and ready except me. The covid, personal and family matters happened during my years in uni. So i was incredibly stressed. Not to entirely blame everything on that, but for these reasons, I just completely drained myself mentally and emotionally. While everyone was taking job hunting seriously, I was just trying to get through my last year so i can graduate. I personally didn’t want to go to college and don’t even like my major. I was rushed into everything. So i really want to take a gap year after I gradute just to be able to think what I really want and not be rushed and depressed from a decision that will affect my future greatly. Only problem is.. will this affect my job hunting in the future? Also, I have to pay back my uni for the loans and I’m not sure if theyre demanding me to pay it back immediately or if I only start paying after I find a job. Any advise would be great.

  1. This all depends on your visa and citizenship. If your a student on a student visa, you’ll be able to apply for a three month extra stay to look for work. Taking a free year in Japan on a student visa is not possible sadly. And if by chance you were to travel home for this free year, you will need to apply for a visa again within Japan. It’s possible, but very annoying and there’s also a chance you’ll get denied. I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but taking a free year might not be the best option for you. It would also be easier for people to answer your questions with more info about your visa etc.

  2. If visa is not a problem for you, taking a free year should not be a big deal. There’s something called 第二新卒, which is for people that took 1-3years off after graduating school. You’ll be able to apply for jobs marked as this. There’s no need to worry about not having a job lined up right after school, so don’t worry too much about it. Good luck!

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