1-day Hakone itinary check (April)

We’re doing one night in Hakone in April and these are the sights we want to see:

Hakone Mototsumiya Shrine

Heiwa no Torii


Amazake tea house (and possibly the Hatajuku-Moto-Hakone section of Old Tokaido road)

The Pirate ship cruise

Are these doable in one day, or should/could we do some of them on the next morning before we leave? And what route/order and which transports should we take to get to them all (we’re staying near Hakone-Yumoto station)?

Also, what’s the weather like in Hakone in April? How likely are we going to have clear enough day to see Mt. Fuji?

Thanks in advance for your help!

  1. The trams may shut down during high winds. Be sure to check before going.

    From what I’ve read weather in April is usually overcast but it depends. Think positive

  2. The route I’ve previously taken from Hakone-Yumoto is to catch the Tozandensha to Gora, then the Ropeway to Owakudani. You can then take the Ropeway back down the other side to Tōgendai Port for the cruise, taking the boat over to Moto-Hakone. From there you can visit the Torii or walk part of the Old Tokaido Road, before catching a bus back to Hakone Yumoto.

    I’d say the one thing you may struggle to fit in one day is Hakone Mototsumiya Shrine, as you’d need to access the Ropeway which is between Tōgendai Port and Moto-Hakone – if you were to walk this section instead it would take ~90 mins, and that doesn’t include the time taken for the trip up to Mototsumiya Shrine, and the extra time needed to do a round trip cruise, if you didn’t want to sacrifice that part of your trip.

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