How and how often do you get pictures of your kids from their day care/preschool/kindergarten?

My kids’ hoikuen rarely takes pictures of them, and when they do, they collect about 6 months worth onto a data dvd they then sell to the parents. I don’t really mind the hoikuen trying to make a little money on the pictures by selling the discs, but would just as willingly pay twice as much to get the pictures sooner, and be able to download them or something instead of on a data dvd. And I definitely wish there were more pictures, especially of their day-to-day.

At a kodomo-en I teach at, the teachers often use a smartphone to take pictures or videos during our class every week. I don’t know how they distribute them to the parents, but it’s likely quicker than the way my kids’ place does it, and clearly they take pictures a lot more often!

So I’m curious as to how other places do things if anyone is willing to share.

  1. Monthly we’d a link from the photographer and could choose which to purchase. We’d get the physical copies from the hoikuen thereafter.

  2. All three of my kids were in schools that really only offered photos after events and they would have a photographer or two come to take photos and sell them via a site after. Year end dvds were made at one of the 2 schools they went to, but were put together by a group of parents that would ask for photos from all parents, go through them, and put together a disc for everyone.

  3. We have an external site the pictures are uploaded to for the parents to pick and buy. It’s updated regularly also social media posts can be saved downloaded by the parents.

  4. We get sent monthly highlights through an app used to communicate with parents. No selling and I would be super pissed off if they tried to sell me a fucking DVD I can’t use anyway

  5. In my case, they upload to a site. But it used to be cheap like 50 yen. Instead they switched to better app now can cost 150. It’s not often though. But that’s fine with me.

  6. When I worked in a kindergarten, we used the app SeeSaw to send pictures, communicate with parents, send school announcements, etc.

    Teachers would take pictures all day then post them in the afternoon/free time for all the parents in the class to see.

  7. Our kids youchien posts pictures daily of events. Rarely a day they are not in the pics. 2 different youchiens and both the same.

  8. We get daily pics on the hoikuen app and better pics online to buy. It’s a good mix I guess.

  9. At work we use an app called ルクミー to send pics, daily updates, notifications, communicating with parents etc.

    After events there are DVDs parents can buy and photos they can pick out and order prints or data. They’re nice quality we have a professional photographer to work the events and put it all together.

    I’m super stocked because until now I’ve been making albums for the English program by hand every year. Next year we’ll do away with albums and I’ll just be taking and sending a few pics each class.

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