I totally suck at anki but am good at wanikani, why?

So, my retention rate on anki is around 50% for the core2.3k deck. But on wanikani, my success rate is usually around 90%. Learning Kanji through anki is almost impossible for me, but on wanikani it’s easy even though I’m not really using the radicals/mnemonics. Why is that? How can I solve this? I guess it’s most likely my settings, but I changed them around a fair bit and that didn’t do much for me.

  1. anki is for reviews, if you just start “reviewing” words you didn’t learn in the first place, it doesn’t work well, you are just seeing random words flashed in front of your face with no scheme to make any sense of it

    wanikani is for reviews and also teaches you in the first place

    That’s the danger in downloading the pre-made decks for anki. You think you are good-to-go but you aren’t. You would have to put effort in to learn those words.

  2. So I know you can customize anki alot

    But with Wanikani the fact that I have to input stuff helps me a lot

    Where on Anki it asks me how I feel about my answer.

    I don’t know if you have settings where you need inputs but that’s a big thing I don’t like about Anki

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