Frustrated about the Change of the status of residency.

Hello everyone I hope you’re all doing fine 🙂
I did write something similar before arriving to Japan about being able to change from temporary visitor (tourist visa) to Spouse of Japanese citizent and the answers I got were reassuring that it was doable however….
I arrived in Japan on the 19th of January on a 30days tourist visa, yesterday my wife and I went to the immigration office (in iwate) to inquire more about this and prepare the necessary documents. The immigration officer said I should apply for a Certificate of eligibility which I don’t want to do since that mean I have to leave Japan (my country is far and I broke bank trying to get here so another trip will hurt x)
But since I am in Japan he said I could apply for a change of status of residency however after he saw that I only have a 30 days visa (with 20 days left) he said it won’t be possible because time won’t be enough to treat my case? I thought I would be able to get an extra 2 months stump while waiting for the result but he said it’s the rules ?//
The immigration office I went to isn’t busy at all unlike other offices in major cities so receiving my residency might not that long.
We still got the papers to fill out tho,so any advices on what to do? A friend sudjusted that my wife’s family write a letter to the immigration officer requesting not to send me back and Grant me the extension and that they will personally take care of my expenses while waiting.
Honestly I am lost so any advice is welcome. X)

  1. You should be given the extension, I think, unless they’ve changed the rules. I did precisely this in 2018 and was given an extension while it was being processed. I was on a 90 day temporary visitor status with about 30 days remaining.

  2. I just checked information on this. Immigration act article 20 paragraph 5 states that 30 days or less temporary visa not eligible for special period which is needed to process your application.

    You can try appeal on humanitarian ground/letter for example if you can change to short term. But good chance not possible.

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