Urgent help request

I know this is a shot in the dark but I am so so worried.

I have a Japanese penfriend who I have been talking to for years. I only have his email address and home address so I cannot call him. Yesterday I received a very concerning email which gave me reason to be concerned about his safety. I only found it this morning. I contacted two Japanese embassies in my country and was given the contact number of the local police and doctors. I explained I don’t speak Japanese but was reassured there may be translators. I tried to call and only got through to the police who could not understand me even with google translate. I tried to call my embassy in Japan but I got through to voicemail. Is there any other way I can request a welfare check?


  1. I had a coworker who told me he was going to kill himself. I tried to talk him out of it over and over and after the 5th threat or so I realized that I really couldn’t change what he would do when I wasn’t looking.

    He didn’t do it in the end thankfully and is in a much better mental space now.

    Your letters/notes should be as much as you can do unfortunately even if you lived close….you can’t watch them 24/7.

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