Hi, I moved into an apartment around July last year. It’s a cheaper place where all the rooms seem to have the same furnishings, including a wooden chair and wood flooring. These chairs make extremely loud scraping sounds when pushed across the floor.
I live on the second floor and the scraping sounds are extremely loud and startling. The building management sent letters with ineffective chair feet to tenants, which haven’t made much of a difference.
I have been told that it is not a good idea to confront any neighbors directly about this (I know it’s the apartment directly above me).
Outside of writing a letter and placing it with some effective chair feet, is there anything else I can do?
My landlord has said that he can’t do anything to assist after the building management sent letters.
I’m not really sure what to do at this point and it’s really starting to affect me.
Thanks for your advice.
1. Read the myriad of advice you’ll find on exactly this situation on the search function.
2. If none of them work save your yennies and move.
What exactly would you complain to them about? Stop pulling their chairs out from a table or desk when they want to sit down? That’s a tough problem to deal with because the cause is the building structure and not the person.
“Confront” is a strong word. Yeah, that is a bad idea.
Maybe buy some chair feet pads and put them in the mail slot?
Maybe figure out who your upstairs neighbor is and get to know them? Then you will be able to judge if talking to them about it might do some good?
In the mean time, would wearing ear protection or headphones with music on be a problem for your lifestyle?
And if such peaceful means don’t work, you could record that sound and then play it loudly with speakers pointed up on repeat.
Since the chair feet things in the letterbox didn’t work, I’d try escalating to an unsolicited rug in their letterbox next
You could you know… bang your ceiling as loud as you can.
That seems to work based on all the threads I’ve read here. 🙂
What ever you do, don’t think about it all the time.
Smash his door and yell うるせ!
Bang on the ceiling every time you hear a sound and when you think they are sleeping.
Since you have the same chair/floor, try a product [like this](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B003VU0KMO) to see whether it actually works, and if you do find something that works, bring some to the upstairs neighbor and ask whether you can impose on them to try them as well. Most people are reasonable; approaching from a lower position (e.g. imposing on them to try something as a favor to you) is often all it takes.
(About the product I linked, there are various sizes and shapes.)