Interac recruiter disappeared?

Hey everyone! I’m hoping someone would have some insight on my situation. I started the process with Interac back in August. I passed both interviews, did the demo video, references were contacted and sent in most of my documents. All I had left was to send in my final transcripts and diploma once I graduated, which I did last month. I tried reaching out to my recruiter, RB, this morning to give him an update on when he should be expecting them but my email was kicked back saying that his was disabled. I sent a message to the main recruiting email that I found on LCA but I really don’t want to have to go through the entire process again. Has this happened to anyone else?? TIA!

  1. I’m not privy to any details but I think they are having trouble with their American offices. It took a long time for me to get a response as well so I’d be patient for another month. They aren’t very quick about the entire process since they may overbook their available positions

  2. Most Interac offices were closed for the holidays and opened back up on the 4th.
    Best of luck.

  3. Are you suppose to be going in March? If so they should be contacting you really soon because of how much time the CoE process takes.

  4. Sounds like you dodged a bullet of working for Interac, congrats!
    Good luck on finding a better position.

  5. Everyone wants to move on from there, recruiters included.

    Hell, especially recruiters, because their workload is much heavier, yet the pay doesn’t increase that much.

  6. It wouldn’t hurt to send a few more resumes out on gaijinpot just saying it’s only up from interac

  7. Recruiters don’t receive your last two COE documents, they pass your email and details to the interac HQ that you’ll be working for and then they contact you about sending your documents to them, at this point your recruiter will no longer be communicating with you unless the COE team struggle to get in contact with you, at least that’s how my process went.
    After sending all your necessary documents to your recruiter by email, were you told which area you would be working for?
    If not it could mean that no interact branch/or school accepted your application after it was sent to Japan by your recruiter…But even in this case your recruiter should’ve informed you

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